The way we communicate with one another keeps changing. Once, we relied on letters, telephones and fax machines however now we prefer speedier and sometimes less intrusive forms of communication like email or instant messenger. A lot more popular, however, and a phenomenon of communication experienced worldwide, is sending SMS text messages to each other via cellphones (also called mobile phones or cell phones).
So, what is SMS?
Short Message Service (SMS) is the general name for the technology which enables people to send and receive texts via cellphones (or cell phones).
The GSM digital cellular phone standard (popular in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa plus some parts of THE UNITED STATES) declare that: “Messages can be up to 160 characters of text long”. CDMA networks allow greater message size and operate in North & SOUTH USA, Asia (China, India, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, etc).
(In actual fact, modern cellphones using the GSM standard send messages larger than 160 characters, but they do so by sending multiple messages of 160 characters. That means that when you send a note of 330 characters long, you have actually sent two messages of 160 characters and one message of 10 characters.)
SMS messages can include words, numbers or an alphanumeric combination; binary format is even supported.
Technically speaking, SMS is a store and forward service. Which means that messages aren’t sent directly from sender to recipient, but always via an SMS center instead. You’ve got a limited time and energy to download or receive your messages (this happens automatically once you switch your cellphone on), otherwise the messages are removed from the SMS center concerned.
Message delivery (or failure) could be confirmed, too.
Note: Envio SMS masivos is usually a limited definition of sms. A fuller explanation can be found at
How Can You Send SMS Text Messages FREE OF CHARGE?
Sending SMS is a good, quick way to communicate with friends and family. Unlike sending email, though, sending SMS messages is frequently not free. In britain, for example, messages often cost �0.10 per message. And with people sending tens or a huge selection of messages every day, costs can mount up.
So cellular phone companies design payment plans that enable you to send a certain number of text messages free per month. Or, in the event that you pay enough of a monthly fee (or top-up your pay-as-you-go phone often enough) you may even be permitted to send an unlimited amount of sms messages for free.
Still, it is a costly way to send ‘free sms’.
A much better way is to use so-called ‘free sms sites’.
Yes, there are plenty of, many websites that allow you to send free SMS texts online. Simply enter your message at such a website, then the cellphone number you wish to send a text message to, and click on the send button. Sometimes the messages are delivered immediately, or within the space of an hour or so. Also, quite often you don’t have to register to use the free sms service.
Example free sms sites include, and Fonetastic, and you can now find free sms on too.
Like anything else on the internet, some free SMS sites work better than others. For instance:
Some open for business one week and are closed another, unable to recover their costs of delivering a large number of sms text messages. (There is always a cost connected with sending sms text messages online for the sms site concerned.)
Some free sms sites work in one country but not another.
And, most worryingly, some free SMS sites are simply just not free — either it costs the individual to send the sms messages, or it costs someone to receive them.
Basically, a great deal of free sms texting sites start out free, then either go wrong or start to charge.
That’s why a visit to a free SMS directory, where sites are reviewed or commented on, is preferred. For example, there are more than 150 free texting sites currently listed at
Is Sending Free SMS Really Safe?
Yes. Usually.
It must be safe to send free text messages using a texting site, but many people have been caught out by services that sneakily get you to first join a subscription service, that often costs several dollars per week. It can be very difficult to unsubscribe from such services, too.
In most cases free SMS sites benefit from the advertising on the websites or in the specific texts being sent; these sites don’t normally abuse their relationship with individuals doing the SMS texting. It is also generally true that texts get sent quickly and people usually do not receive so-called SMS spam on the cellphone or mobile phone afterwards.
Again, a good free SMS directory provides enough information about a free sms service or site so you might be able to choose for yourself.
Sending SMS text messages to your family and friends is quick, easy and fun. Nonetheless it doesn’t have to set you back anything, if you find and work with a free SMS text messaging site that enables you to send text messages to the country where they live. Happy texting.